Tuesday, July 14, 2009

4th Storm

A pile of hail that was still there 24 hours later.

It was hailing so hard that it was piling up like snow. It was amazing how fast it was comming down. I guess thats why it was a flash flood.

Standing there not being able to do a thing, while 9 feet of water filled their basement and they were in McCall. To see windows broken out and stuff floating by is just gut renching. All you could do was pull stuff out as it floated by. Right after I took these pictures they started pumping the mud and water out. It took almost 24 hours to clear the water. 2 to 3 feet of mud is what was left.

The aftermath of the storm was amazing. Check out You Tube - Inkom Idaho Flood. There are two people who had camera's going. The one posted by grandmakristi is live video of this house being flooded. The gal that took the video is the girls piano teacher and lives right above this house. The other viedo is taken in town, right behind the local store.

Jackson Creek and Inkom Road intersection. This was pretty much washed out. We were driving in a river. At the bottom of this intersection is a new subdivision. There were a few homes hit here too. What was amazing about this is that one house was hit. The next door was fine and the next was hit.


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